The devastation from Katrina is absolutely horrible, and I'm deeply and profoundly saddened when I read about the lives that have been lost along with homes, streets, electrical power, and drinking water, not to mention order with the the looting that's taking place. And now Louisiana's Governor (Kathleen Blanco) has ordered everyone must leave New Orleans.
Millions of dollars have been collected by the Red Cross for disaster relief. If you feel so inclined, you can make a donation to the Red Cross via the following:
Red Cross: 1-800-HELP-NOW or https://http://www.redcross.org
That said, let me tell you I'm not just saddened, I'm also angry. No. I'm fucking pissed! Forget Cindy Sheehan and all the partisan bullshit, and think about this for a moment. We've dumped Billions upon Billions of dollars into Iraq and what do we have to show for it? It makes my blood boil to think about how those funds could be helping the victims of Katrina and the re-establishment of New Orleans. Not to mention the percentage of National Guardsmen/woman who are stationed in Iraq who are desperately needed here now.
Am I the only one feeling this way?