this pisses me off...
Under a new plan, a student who misses not a single day per quarter will receive $25 in an account - redeemable upon graduation. In doing so, the school joins a number of districts throughout the country turning to incentives to boost test scores, GPAs, and student turnout.
so here is what bothers me...
I was super-nerd in high school and actually got a plaque my senior year for showing up every single day of my high school career and never saw one penny.
(by the way...receiving that award in front of the whole school was just about the most embarrassing thing that could happen to a long-haired-skater-metal-head in 1992.)
btw did anyone else tag all their notebooks with anthrax, metallica, rush and ozzy logos in high school? I loved sitting in science class trying to replicate the intricacies of the led zeppelin logo.
yeah...i also had u2, the cure, inxs, midnight oil, janes addiction, the cult, steve vai, james, ministry, NIN...i am gonna stop cus i could go all night.
we should have started a band...you could have been like that guy in clerks...you could be like olaf and sing berserker!
"my love for you is like a truck, berserker
would you like some making fuck, berserker
my love for you is like a rock, berserker"
(watch it here>>>
I didn't do any of that but I would have gotten some moula though.
Hey I didn't know this was a two person blog.
Mine had all sorts of thrash and death metal logos. My musical tastes ranged from goth to brutal death metal back then. I definately prefered the heavy stuff in '92.
Let me think here...1992...aside from the weird religious bands I always was into at the time (Deliverance, Tourniquet, Vengeance, etc.), my favorites were Anthrax, Testament, Overkill, Celtic Frost, Bolt-Thrower, Obituary, Sepultura. Exodus, Suicidal Tendencies, Pantera, Sacred Reich, GWAR, etc.
Basically, anything that wasn't grunge. If the popular kids liked it, that was my cue to avoid it like herpes.
lol...yeah...i was one of the trendy people listening to the "grunge" stuff by 92' but i did also still listen to testament, ozzy, rush and a whole bunch of other stuff.
ask anyone who knows me and i am not just a trendy music fan.
tell em nedhead...
Alice - yep, Strider (my brother) actually gets the credit for creating this blog. I'm like Julie the cruise director around here, the "hostess with the mostess", though I have my Issac the bartender moments and serve up a few good ones myself. Wow, what's with me and the Love Boat analogies?
As for 1992, that was the year before I got engaged and 2 years before I got married. If memory serves, I was morning the loss of hair bands then.
I was never cool. Glad that's off my chest. Hope you guys don't think of me differently now.
Oooh! A whole $25 for not skipping any school days!
Ah, no thanks.. Taking a few days off every now and then was worth way more than $25 to me.
Doug - Didn't you know -- intellect usurps high school coolness any day.
TLM - Perfect attendance is admirable, but it doesn't stop my family's annual spring vacation to Aruba. Life happens.
Nedhead - *blushing* Aw, thanks Nedhead. :)
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