Pope Joe Buck?

This morning on the radio I heard gossip goddess, Melissa Chase, report this:
(According to her Hollywood contacts) Jon Voight is playing the title role in the CBS miniseries "John Paul II." Angelina Jolie's dad will play the pope from his election into the papacy to his death earlier this year, with Cary Elwes playing the younger Karol Wojtyla.
Hmm...further proof that made for tv movies are documentaries for dummies?
And you know what this means, don't you?
Bratt Pitt is now schagging the Pope's daughter!
I guess I can see the similarities between the Pope in the 80s and how Voight looks now...but isn't his head a bit too big?
The last line is priceless.
And to think that George Costanza used to have Jon Voight's LaBaron convertable!
Think what that would be worth now.
Nedhead - Roger Ebert has no idea the competition he faces from you!
CW - No bigger than his daughter's lips.
Araider - What's that? You like seeing men in tights? I thought you were into geriatric women.
Doug - Men in Tights was a masterpiece??
Mike - I'm embarrassed to say that Strider is much better versed in Seinfield episodes than I am.
I don’t really care who plays the pope, I never liked the pope and didn't agree with him at all. I find it dichotomous
that a church the church and this poor dead pope being synonymous here ,( that pope in particular) and the church being synonymous here, a church that has allowed no latitude in its teachings on masturbation, premarital sex, birth control, allows the cardinal that propagated the (Huge) cover up of despicable crimes to now be living in with a sinecure at the Vatican.
I don’t give a crap who plays him; Preferably Shrek, but if not Shrek I guess some loser actor is fine. Voigt actually is a decent actor he just gives me the creeps.
Araider - I'm a huge fan of Mel Brooks' films. History of The World; "Knight jump queen - everyone jump queen!"
Alice - congratulations, you're the first to bring up the Pope in a political context. I'm surprised it took 8 comments (jeez, you'd think it's Friday or something!).
All - the floor acknowledges the lady from New York, er, blonde from Wonderland, and opens the discussion to include her topic as well.
the proper quote is:
"pawn jump queen! knight jump queen! bishop jump queen! GANGBANG!"
as for seinfeld...doesn't george wander around with a pencil (complete with teeth impressions) from the glove box that he thinks was jon voights?
that was a funny episode.
seinfeld ruled!
"pawn jump queen! knight jump queen! bishop jump queen! GANGBANG!"
as for seinfeld...doesnt george wander around with a pencil (complete with teeth impressons) from the glove box that he thinks was jon voights?
that was a funny episode.
seinfeld ruled!
Yay, Strider, you're back!
Yay, Strider, you're back!
Other History of The World quotes I like:
- Treasure Bath!
- Nothing for sale, I've got nothing for sale.
- I give you these 12...10 commandments
- No, no, no, no, YES, no...
I could go on and on!
Joe Pesci should be Pope.
Ruskie -
And you look like a bucket of shit!
Would you please step on the same foot at the same time, my tits are falling off!
Virgins put on your no entry signs
Want more?
Gabe - now that would be hillarious! "Yo, whadda tawkin about ya fuckin whoah?"
For all you Christopher Walken fans out there, click here.
When asked what would he uniquely bring to the White House, Walken replied, "More cowbell."
Hey, not a bad idea, Chris.
From the King Of New York to the Prez! :)
I don't watch much TV, the last miniseries I did watch was "Roots", so I don't know who a lot of these people are other than Brooks, Voight and Walken. I did check the link, I think I'll check his site later, thanks Chris. I wanted to let you know I have posted my Question Of The Week. I hope you will stop by to answer it.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
CW - awesome link! Christopher Walken is freakishly cool. He'd scare the piss out of the terrorists simply because he's more psycho than them. ;)
That's okay, David, I probably single-handedly watch enough tv for the both of us!
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