Dana Reeves has lung cancer (which Peter Jennings just lost his battle with).
This poor woman, after all she went through taking care of her husband, now this.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
I don't know how much of her husband's strength came from her, but I imagine that cancer's in for a fight.
"Original sin? What kinda God are you, anyway?!? Why aren't You inflicting boils on TV preachers, and sending locusts to a certain ranch in Crawford, TX, and shit like that?"
Joking aside, tragedies do seem to come in groups. Maybe we just notice more when it's the good people suffering.
She's apparently a fighter. Wishing her all the best...
Araider - Crazy isn't it? Not a smoker yet she contracted lung cancer, not breast cancer (which I understand is much more common). And for the record, just how many 92 year old women have you seen?
Doug - such an eloquently statement from the secretary of sarcasm.
Jeff - is this your first visit here? Welcome/welcome back. I didn't catch the origin of your quote - do share!
Ah, now I see why you're considered a ladies' man! ;)
If bad things were to happen to bad people, they would consider it normal. So bad things happen to good people so they get fully appreciated, in all their meanness!
Hi Monika - great to see you here! All, Monika is a fellow commenter over at Doug's site. In response to your comment, it reminds me of the saying "you can't distinguish a good day unless you've had a bad day to compare it to".
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