"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
14... That's tough!
24 although I think I got two others that it didn't accept. DO NOT HIT RETURN until it erases your answer.
why is this not right? am I just too drugged up.............32 is the temperature in Degree Farenheit at which water freezes
isn't it....shit
24 Doug ....smack down
ha ha
I only got twenty I quite they won't take my answers...
I cheated later and still only found less than twenty that I would've known.
Alice,you left off the s in degrees. I did the same thing with 26 letter in the alphabet and the b**tards wouldn't let me change it. And I don't know what was wrong with 1000 years in a millenium, either.
Those guys are stupid.
So I wasn't being retarded - that one IS supposed to be 1000 years in a millenium?
Kept thinking I was spelling millenium wrong. Even tried "millenia".
Ugh. Apparently, I'm retarded. I refuse to say how many I got right, because it was a little embarassing.
I'll just start telling people I'm one of those "creative types".
Its spelt millenNium. 2 n's. I had trouble with that one and had to consult dictionary.com
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