have I mentioned letterman rules?
you have to watch this (via hammer of truth)
I don't think I have ever seen dave be that tough on someone who he was debating ...um...I mean interviewing.
I guess bill just brings that out in some people.
Of course, that was a conservative estimate...no pun intended.
I hate O'Reilly. 100 percent.
nice gabe!
i agree...100% is about right...mabe even higher if you factor in the extra bull shit on top of the crap.
Yes, Dave was being far too generous.
Bill O'Rielly sucks ass! *high five* Dave!
That's awesome!
Actually, araider, Letterman just has a finely-tuned bullshit detector. If O'Reilly wants to be coddled, he should go on Leno.
Strider and Gabe, thanks for the clip. I missed the show when I was out sick and had been planning to find a clip.
I'm not sure why Dave not watching O'Reilly is a credit to O'Reilly. Seems to me it's a credit to Dave, but that's neither here nor there.
I do sometimes watch O'Reilly and here's my take.
By comparison to Bill - who routinely calls people despicable names, throws insane tantrums, browbeats people, and threatens to have them thrown out of the studio - Dave was the picture of propriety. In addition, he admitted his limitations in debating the issue, something that I'm fairly confident Bill has never admitted, although it is painfully true.
The ONLY redeeming thing I heard from Bill was that everyone, including Cindy Sheehan, has the right to an opinion. So here's mine.
Bill O'Reilly is a vacuous asshat, too enamored of his own voice, who wouldn't know a decent interview if it smacked him on his naked ass with a loofa sponge.
But that's just my opinion.
Have a nice day.
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