Just a few more visitors today, and we're poised to reach 10,000 hits. Not too shabby and especially cool considering we long ago abandoned the likes of Blog Explosion, which means our unique hits come from you, our loyal lurkers and blog pals.
Wonder who the lucky visitor will be. Strider and I were trying to decide how to acknowledge this milestone visit and decided the least we could do is a post highlighting you and your blog, though we're open to suggestion.
So check the site meter at the end and be sure to let us know if it's you. And on behalf of Strider and myself, thanks all. :)
It's good work on your part.
You have a nice mix of interesting content and comments all the time, and a good mix of people that come by to read and post their thoughts.
Now if only I could get a couple to come by my place after they visit you guys.. :)
Ten to go...
Was it me?! Was it me?! Do I win anything?!
Kidding aside, congrats.
9,992.. Too early here.
Uh oh - still on 9,992.
Congrats! You guys are rocking it.
9,999!! So close to 10,000. Congrats and good luck for the future guys!
Congratulations. I like to think that 10,008 is special too.
Andrew Donaldson (Bread and Circuses) has the Jimmy Smits quote you were looking for.
Congratulations & bragging rights to our 10,000th visitor...MRS. STRIDER!
Nedhead - Taking one for the team, what a guy!
Mike - Thanks; I'm convinced it's that good mix of people to which you refer that really keeps things interesting around here!
Moxie - A mere drop in the bucket compared to a pro site like yours sister!
Maine - 9....8....7...
Poobah - Sure! How about an all expense paid return trip to SD! :)
TLM - I was so sure it was going to be you and I was going to have to write all about the little crustecean that could!
JJ - Thanks pal! :)
CW - As first runner up, you are entitled to the benefits of the aforementioned blog nod and write up should the actual winner be a nonblog hosting loyal lurker and/or occassional commenter. Therefore, having bestowed proper kudos on the rightful winner, Mrs. Strider, I hereby declare your entitlement to a blog nod & write up on SD! :)
And why the hell did my congratulatory comment come up as Anonymous?! Hrmph.
Yes Doug, you're special too, but I have to be honest if you won I may have had to recycle the recent post I did on you & your site. ;)
I passed that threshold quite some time ago, and yet it seems like I have hardly any traffic at all...
Oh yeah...because I need to post something. Sorry.
Actually, I plan to do quite a few things to my own site later tonight. It's high time to update my links and sidebar content. (I've been meaning to add MrV and Poobah for awhile, anyway...)
Shoot. Missed it by 12. Darn
Gabriel - Well it's about damn time my furriest of friends!
Windspike - Good to see you here again! I remember when you & I were around for our pal Shea hitting 10,000.
You're over the top! Congratulations! Take your bow.
TLP - Yay! *bowing with Strider*
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