Democrats Win Gov. Races in N.J., Va.
Tue Nov 8, 9:35 PM
Democrats won both governors' races Tuesday, with Sen. Jon Corzine easily beating Doug Forrester in New Jersey and Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine soundly defeating Jerry Kilgore in Virginia despite a last-minute campaign push from President Bush.
Er.. I think what anonymous meant to say was "congratulations!"
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I'm so freggin happy right now, even spam can't bring me down!
America is waking up, starting right here, right now (thanks for letting me add the image to your post, Strider). Tonight polarized idiots and intolerant bigots, along with Bush & his party lines DID NOT PREVAIL!!!
I have a friend that goes to UVA and they are having some parties... I hear to celebrate..... I'm sure no one will drink and drive though. ;)
good news for a lot of people.
parties on a college campus?
what will they think of next???
Winning, Sar? Sure, the democrats may have won that election, but in Kansas, they're changing the definition of science to accomodate intelligent design theory! I can't call that winning! If this sort of thing can happen in our nation in 2005, then we are losing!
Oh... the whole election is spoiled for me.
Maine, it was preordained.
Congratulations, Dems.
I had a feeling. My precinct is about 3/4 Republican and turnout yesterday was about even.
maine- Only because those morons in Kansas felt they needed their own definition of "science" to begin with.
And relax... intelligent design really only supplements (not replaces) evolution theory. (Yes, I'm pro-choice on science teaching.)
Hitting the 10,000 hit mark and the Dems winning? Could it be just a coincidence...we think not.
It's all you!
I'm not against intelligent design theory. I learned it in college too.
I am, however, very much against it being taught anywhere near a science class. There is not a single scientific thing about it. Not one. For it to be mentioned to children in the same breath as valid forms of science is an insult to all things educational.
TLM - You speak on behalf of Anon...and yourself?
Alice - Now there's a party I could get behind! ;)
Mike - It was good news for sure.
Maine - Way to be a buzzkill! ;) I'm surprised you didn't remind me about the constitutional ban on gay-marriage that passed in Texas too. Of course you're right, things are not ideal across the board, but the board took a helluva a lot of blue where red was expected, and I remain a happy gal about that!
Doug - Accurate predictions from an electioneer. If you can predict lottery numbers, there's a conversation to be had.
TLM & Maine - Here's my two cents. I have no problem with intelligent design being taught. In perochial schools, or CCD, or bible study, or Sunday school. Maine, I applaud your last paragraph. Spot on and I agree completely. I would also add that intelligent design is based on the beliefs and presumptions of Christianity. Considering schools (public especially) are comprised of students representing a greater religious diversity, it would be irresponsible to impose the teachings of a single religion in that setting. I wonder how many Christian parents would go out of their minds if they were told reincarnation was going to be taught in association with evolution to their child in school.
Poobah - Haha! It really was the sweetest of coincidences, and the democratic wins punctuated an already amazing day.
I feel better now.
Maine - Hallefreakinlujah!
maine- I wholeheartedly agree. There's nothing scientific about it.
I guess the only problem is, what happens when a particularly curious kid asks his science teacher where the prehistoric precursors to life came from. In that case, I guess "ask your parents" is the best (and least offensive) response.
Absentee ballots are kind of neat.
The brother
Correct response?
"We don't know yet."
That tends to be the way unknowns are handled in science. Not by inventing magical space ghosts.
Bro - Right on!
TLM & Maine - good stuff guys.
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