this is too funny!
I have to admit it is the best version of head shoulders knees and toes I have heard. (not that I have heard all that many)
ps. yes I am still obsessed with u2.
araider feel free to make fun of them as you always do.
How funny was Bush? Was he doing his own thing in defiance or was he just confused and inept? Hmmm.
Btw, if there's one thing that defines Strider, it's his obsession with U2. He drove clear across the country by himself (he did meet up with friends at the other end) to see that leg of the tour after seeing them at every show for the same tour in the tri-state area he could get tickets for. And that's after seeing them a gazillion other times at their previous tours. He even has a U2 signature IPod.
Hysterical, Strider. Don't you ever get tired of mocking the President? Me either.
By the way, I saw U2 on the War tour. The Unforgettable Fire is still my favorite album of theirs.
Right on, Doug! The Unforgettable Fire is an amazing album. "Pride" is simply one of the greatest songs ever recorded and "Wire" rocks. But "The Unforgettable Fire" has long been my personal favorite U2 song. Although, "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" from How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (an album that's grown on me) is running a very close second now.
Nedhead, you mean porn addiction is a bad thing?
Nedhead - *snicker!*
Mrs. Strider (sis in law) - thank you for correcting me though it still paints the picture of his obsession. However do you put up with him?!
* * * * * * *
Today is Nedhead's Birthday? Sing I must...
Happy Birthday to you
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you smell like one too.
My little 2nd grader just learned that at school, tee hee! Kidding aside, a very happy birthday to my favorite of Strider's friends. :)
happy b-day nedhead...
'wanna go to explosions in the sky' on sun dec 11 or 'secret machines' on dec 1?
let me know...i owe you a ticket or two.
two i think
LOVE it! and Bush not being able to keep time was a great touch.
very well done! :))
am a big U2 fan, 2!
Not a U2 fan at all, but that was still pretty amusing. And Happy Birthday, nedhead!
(Any other upcoming SD birthdays that we should know about?)
Good question, TLM. My b-day's not until...4/7. But I would also like to know when our other SD friends' b-days are so we can properly them celebrate here. That said, I think everyone should email me (emailsar@gmail.com) with their b-day. Including you, TLM! :)
(Btw, TLM, I commented on your Nip/Tuck posts today. I know, a bit after the fact, but I just watched it on tivo last night. AND I was so thinking about you when I just watched Boston Legal, also tivo'd. I really want to find the transcript, or better yet video clip, of Alan Shore's closing summation/rant about the hypocricies of the war in Iraq and post it!)
That's great!
You know, we sing this song to our dog (Anex Snoopy Pez) with the lyrics:
Head and shoulders, stinky toes!
I like the cartoon purple sunglasses. :)
U2 is (are?) a great band.
I saw them for the first time in 1984 at the Civic Center in San Francisco.
Then several times over the years after that.
Considering how long they've been around, it's amazing they are still together making music, particularly with all 4 members intact.
They're greatest moments in the early days are October and Unforgettable Fire.
Of their latter work, I REALLY like All that you can't leave behind.
I need to let the newest one grow on me..
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