Anyone surprised that Scooter Libby is the source that Judith Miller spent the last 12 weeks in jail to protect?
"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
Yes, I hoped it would be Karl "Root" Rove.
Damn and he's not even hot.
opps again , that was me and leave my daddy alone Doug.
Ev - Bush has said God speaks to him.
Doug - I suspected it was one or the other. Truth be told, I'd prefer to see slimebag Rove get taken down first.
Alice - Thankfully daddy's no reflection on you, sweetie. ;) As for Scooter, I agree -- he's a Repuglyican.
Turd Blossom, Doug.
That's the Boy King's name for the Rove.
Hahaha. Sorry, Alice. I will when your boyfriend does.
Mike - I still can't understand how "Turd Blossom" is supposed to be an endearing nickname.
Doug & Alice - Ding, Ding, Ding. That signals the start of the next round. C'mon Alice, let him have it!
I'm never surprised by this group of jacka@@s.
Sar, that's Bush's prison love nickname for him.
Maybe somewhere deep in his black heart, he knows they belong in the clink..
Maybe they both used to hold hands and watch OZ.
I hope Scooter Libby (what kind of doofus name is that?) is headed for the clink, along with DeLay, Rove, Cheney and Boy George. Hey, I can dream can't I?
TLP - The shock and awe died long ago, didn't it.
Mike - I see their creative thinking is rubbing off on you.
Tom - Libby's name? This is what I think of..."I am Chief of Staff for the Vice President of The United States of America. But you can just call me Scooter." Oh, and I share your dream.
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