My special girl is 4 today! She's nothing short of a miracle. Her due date was 9/11/01. Yes, THE 9/11. Hubby worked on Wall Street then. So by her arriving early, he wasn't in NYC that day and was able to be there for her birth. A few weeks before she was born we learned she was breech (upside down, legs first), so I opted for an in-hospital procedure called a "Version" where a prenatal specialist doctor and a nurse actually grabbed my baby externally through my tummy and turned her like the hands on a clock back around. Yeah, it was that painful. And more. But after that, the birth was a cakewalk! Not related to the Version, we would later learn she was born with moderately low lone and a brain anomaly. Her cerebellum (the part of the brain that controls balance & coordination) never fully developed in utero. So she's had developmental delays in motor planning and gross motor movement, with residual (but minor in comparison) delays in speech and fine motor.
She continues to make increadible progress. She's talking in full sentences now. For example, she loves the moon and always points it out. I told her maybe someday she'll go to the moon in a space shuttle and she said, "Ooooh, dat be wondabuh, mommy!". In addition to excelling in her special preK class, she's making great progress with her new physical therapist who's fantastic. Her latest and greatest accomplishment is what she refers to as the door game. She slowly pulls to stand using the door molding then gingerly opens the door, steps carefully in & around, and shuts the door. And vice versa. Pretty sophisticated stuff if you think about it, and it is quite a process for her.
But she's determined and tough. And she's 4 today!
Aw. Just aw.
Happy 4th birthday to your wondabuh daughter.
Awww, yay! Happy Birthday!
what a beautiful little girl.
and a miracle in more ways than one.
wish her a happy 4th, and give her extra cake!
She's a beauty! Happy birthday to her.
I'm showing her all of your kind birthday and well wishes (and your email, nac), and she says "dake you, I lub it!" My heartfelt thanks to all of you as well.
Nedhead - we'll miss you guys too. Party hardy for us and we'll reciprocate!
Doug - what a cleverly wondabuh thing to say. :)
Ariader - I second your wishes, except for when she's a teenager and wishes ill against her mother.
Chris - We wish your little one could come to her b-day party.
Mike - She can have extra cake if I can too!
LTP - Welcome!! All, it's mamma pez! Ap3 is freakin smart, but mamma pez is a genius.
BIG HUGS FROM UNKLE ****, AUNT ****** AND ******
Scary thought isn't it? Strider is...The Godfather! (tx, bro & family)
Happy birthday, Spawn of Destruction!
wishing your beautiful and adorable girl a wonderful birthday!
and what a great mom she has :))
Spoken in true Gabriel style - thanks. :)
Aw, Karma, thanks!
All, Karma is also a regular over at Doug's. Nevermind her smarts, she's a gal after my own heart - a flirt! ;)
Happy birthday little girl.
Thanks, Alice (another flirtatious gal pal! ;))
Oh sorry I missed the actual birthday.
And the door game sounds fun
Thanks, Pia. So many of our friends from Doug's place stopped by; nice to have you round it out too. Although, my blogroll says you already belong. :)
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