"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
Blogging Shelter from the Storm
It's Friday, which means it's Katrina telethon day. For those who haven't given yet , now is the perfect time to break out those credit cards.
Have you visited this Post search and map to Garage sales website that pretty much covers Post search and map to Garage sales related stuff.
You could by to check it out, when you get the time. They have good stuff!!
Damn spam! And they didn't even bother to update the day in their text. Morons.
My Bush supporting father-in-law actually emailed this picture to us too! That's pretty telling in my mind.
That is so wrong and so right and really funny.
ha, I thought that was real for a second.
and that's scary in and of itself..
Too funny!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I hope the toxins in that fish are lethal.
Yeah, a little mercury poisoning for those 2 assholes would be poetic.
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