good news for all my friends and neighbors...I'm not. I got a 10 and here is what it had to say about me...
"The odd quirk in your personality is nothing to worry about, it might even be getting you a few more social invites than the more dull among us. So party on, you're not a threat to society."
score yourself here and let me know how you all fair.
btw...what are your favorite serial killer movies?
in no particular order I like seven, natural born killers, and silence of the lambs. I am sure after I post this I will think of a few more so let me get this up before I start adding every movie I ever saw...oh yeah...I liked "SAW" also...and "SAW two" comes out soon...I cant wait. (trailer here)
*I think by posting about serial killers I just failed at lightening the mood...sorry sar.
My favorite serial killer movie is either Maniac (1980, William Lustig) or Dust Devil.
Yes, but are you a serial killer, Gabriel?
I scored a 7 and am apparently not a serial killer. Convenient they didn't ask about my killer stilletos.
My favorite is Silence Of The Lambs. Am I the only one who thought it was pretty ingenious when Lechter used the ambulance dude's own face as a disguise and decoy?
With a nice chianti and some fava beans
I got a 7. I guess I'm not a threat.
I would have to say I'm a big fan of the SAW series.
I scored a nine so I'm not a serial killer. Now what do I do with all the dead hookers?
Last Supper
Coming, Mother.
I got an 8 and it said the same thing as your's did:
"The odd quirk in your personality is nothing to worry about, it might even be getting you a few more social invites than the more dull among us. So party on, you're not a threat to society."
Party on, Wayne.
Party on, Garth.
I got a 14 here's what it said:
You are getting help, right? We'd sleep better if you said: "The therapy is going well."
Strider, Give the kid a hug from her uncle.
SAR, Likewise with the little pirates
Your brother.
Hooray for me
13, dammit!
here is the quote: You are getting help, right? We'd sleep better if you said: "The therapy is going well."
Serial killer movie? Campy or serious?
Campy: gotta go with the Chucky movies.
Serious: Seven
(this is nedhead, for some reason I can't post as me, oh well)
I scored 11. And I got the "get therapy" response. Feel safe, eastern Richmond.
My fave serial killer movie was Natural Born Killers, but only because I think Juliette Lewis is, like, a 9 on the Maine scale.
I got a 15, and the following:
You are getting help, right? We'd sleep better if you said: "The therapy is going well."
Heh heh. Someone must have told them about the cargo container filled with corpses buried under my backyard.
What? Oh, like you all don't have one.
I didn't take the test yet, but my favorite serial killer movie was Kalifornia. Brad Pitt was eeevil in that movie (it's from the early '90s). He may be dismissed as just a pretty boy, but in that movie he had hair halfway down his back and talked in one-syllable grunts. He acted dumber than a post but he had an animal cunning that was just unbelievable. Juliette Lewis was in it too (of course).
kalifornia was great.
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