"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
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It wasn't my comment, I swear! :)
it was spam.
feel free to say whatever you like tlm. it's all good.
what has changed?
we're even more fucked 4 years later than we were after that morning.
i just figured it out...at least this time he stood up!
He learned to play guitar? That's something.
You gotta admit it... He looks really good with a guitar in his hands.
Absolutely, TLM. I think he should quit his day job and go on the road. I'll buy the album.
what should he name his band?
some ideas...
"mission acomplished"
"GWB and the puppetmasters"
(featuring karl rove)
"the misunderestimated"
"elevated risk"
"threat level"
I don't know, these might be better album titles than band names:
"Fool Me Once"
"Shame On You"
"Can't Get Fooled Again"
"Permanent Vacation"
Excellent posting this weekend, Strider -- tough act to follow!
OK, I'll try:
"Baghdad Fillet"
"Foghorn and the Chickenhawks"
"Heir Supply-side"
"Crüz Missal"
A lot has changed.
First pic, he needed nothing to do(not even stand up) to get Americans on his side...
Second pic, he has to do anything he can (even palying guitar!) to get people on his side!
And if you look closely he is not even doing that properly, there is some guy behind him trying to rectify his mistake...
It looks like he's trying to finger a G chord, but he's one fret too high. Unless he's got that thing tuned down a step, then he's making an awful sound.
Hey Monika! That's (sadly) very true. And you know, Bush doesn't know that dude is there to rectify his wrong doing; no, Bush is numb to the constant damage control that surrounds him.
Maine - I'd say it's a pretty awful sound by the look on the woman's face in the background and the concern on the dude's face. Bush's reaction? Ah, well, ignorance must be bliss.
In the newer picture he's smiling.
Not much improvement, huh?
Omnipotent Poobah!!! Welcome - I am truly honored.
You're right about Bush; sadly not much has changed. At least for the better.
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