Tomorrow morning we're headed out on a road trip up to New Jersey to spend time catching up with family & friends, then hitting Ocean City, Maryland with my best friend and her family on the way back (not to worry, Strider will keep the posts going & I'll pop on to participate in comments as often as I can). At least I can pass the time checking out the bumper stickers along the way (how do you like this one I found?!). honor of our upcoming 4700th and 4747th visitors, feel free to leave a comment with your topic or image request for the next post I do (Strider's off the hook for this one, since I'm the "47" freak).
Sar, I don't see the visitor number at the bottom, but wouldn't I rather be 4747? Anyway, have a great trip and the bumper sticker's great.
*smacks forehead*
OMG, HOW DID I MISS 4747?!?!
Okay, I've gone back and adjusted the post - thanks, Doug! :)
Have a fun and safe trip!
Thanks, CW! :)
Okay...I officially have a new favorite bumpersticker now.
Glad you liked it, Gabe. I thought it was politically provocative, yet something we all could appreciate (even Ariader!).
As it happens, I was visitor 4700 and 4774. But alas, I do not know who was the lucky 4747.
i want to be #474,747,474,747,474
we all need to kick in and get to work if we are going to make my dream possible.
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