if you live under a rock and haven't seen this trailer yet...see it here.
peter jackson kicks ass...that's all there is too it.
please sign this too >>> LET THE HOBBIT HAPPEN!
first of rule
second of about wheelchair rugby rule more!
third...where can I go to see quad rugby live?!?!
follow up to batman begins
latest rumored possibility for the joker in batman begins 2? sean penn. I think it works but that may be because I am such a big sean penn fan. I even saw the pledge, the crossing guard and the indian runner! (plus I had the spicoli checkered vans long before it became hip to wear them again...just ask sar!)
the brothers grimm
with this movie I have the same problems I had with 'war of the worlds'...hate tom cruise/love spielberg. in this one its love gilliam hate matt damon. the way I figure it out is I weigh it out...I love gilliam more than I hate damon....I guess I will be seeing it. (trailer)
fun with dick and jane
this looks entertaining. it makes me want to spice up my life. maybe I will rob a starbucks on the way to work tomorrow. (trailer)
ok...keep up with me...this is a adaptation of a video game which is an adaptation of lewis carrolls fairy tale. sarah michelle gellar will play alice who returns to wonderland after her home is destroyed and family killed. sounds like fun!
shadow divers
true story about wreck drivers who discovered a sunken u-boat off the NJ shore in 1991. I have this book sitting on my shelf and I need to read it asap. (I have been told it is great.) hopefully it will make a great movie. ridley scott is directing so it should be.
yup...that's right...never fear...underdog is make a crapy movie about an animated dog. then again they did make 2 scooby doo movies...someone likes crapy movies out there. raise your hand if you contributed to the $457,117,536 these two (1,2) scooby movies made...SHAME ON YOU!
untitled rodney dangerfield biopic
the same people who made "ray" are going to make a biopic on rodney. hopefully they will give him some respect. <<-- that statement was lame...can you do better?
v for vendetta
all I know about this is that there is a scary looking mask...and it considered the 1984 of graphic novels. sounds good to me! (where is my brother? I bet he knws all about this!)
dallas: the movie
who shot j.r.? I thought anyone who gave a shit already knew! why oh why hollywood must you make this shit?!? how long before alice: the movie? no no...not the alice I mentioned above...this alice!
the untouchables: capone rising
a prequill to the untouchables...any thoughts on who should play a young sean connery and robert deniro? ewen mcgregor is the obvious choice for sean...but who is a youg deniro?
charley and the chocolate factory
see lots of clips favorite quote yet......"everything in this room is eatable...even I'm eatable... but that's called cannibalism my dear children and is in fact frowned upon in most societies."
The Dangerfield pun was actually pretty funny, I just hope that whoever they pick does the man justice.
And wtf is up with a Dallas movie?
Hey Sar, I just saw the trailer for a new doc called Grizzly Man. It looks pretty intense and apparently did really well at Sundance.
as per 375,000 hits per day, I'm happy if i get 80:)
Hey strider... Have you seen the trailer for the penguin documentary (with Morgan Freeman)? It looks like the greatest movie ever.
Exception - I couldn't view the trailer, but I read the synopsis and it does look pretty intense! And I have no idea how people get hundreds, let alone thousands upon thousands, of hits per DAY. Maybe we should just post about Michael Jackson and Tom Cruise all day everyday. Perish the thought...
Hey Nedhead, we rented the 2 Scoobies for our 7 yr old, and while we suffered through them, she and the little one somehow loved them. Ah, the ignorance, er innocence, of youth.
exception - i am the docs lover and yes i saw the traler for grizzly man. it looks great!
tlm - march of the penguines is supposed to be soooooo good. i can't wait.
at some point i will compile a bunch of docs people should make it a point to check out. there are so many good ones out there.
(remember it is a spell free zone!)
Checkered vans are eternal.
yes they are.
I'll stick with chucks,
Your brother who works for the goverment
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