I'm tired.
"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
Me too.
Same here. All the damn posting on the Karl Rove fiasco has left me exhausted.
When you guys get some chances, you should post some comments over at my blog. I'm getting this semi-troll, James H. Shott, who keeps claiming that Rove didn't do anything wrong.
His comments are nicely written and mostly polite, he just seems quite confused and could use a good liberal education :-D.
CW - I posted a couple of comments, and I'll do so more often. :)
Now I'm tired. *yawn*
Reminds me of that one character in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" 8^)
Sar, thanks for the comments. Defintely appreciate them. We'll see if and how Shott reacts.
Poetry today.
I'm restless.
Arrived safe & sound (8 hours ago)...tired, tired, tired...
Sar, glad you could make it. Rember dat t'ing I wass talking about?
sar- Don't forget the trip souvenirs for all of your blog regulars! :)
TLM & Ruskie - But of course!
Um, what makes for a suitable souvenier for one's blosphere friends? I'm open to suggestions...
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