I can't wait!
if you are do not know of the D you should be ashamed!
learn of the power of the D and bow down and praise them!
"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
I'm feeling old right about now...
as the D sang to dio...
Dio has rocked for a long, long time,
Now it's time for him to pass the torch.
He has songs of wildebeests and angels,
He has soared on the wings of a demon.
It's time to pass the torch,
You're too old to rock, no more rockin' for you.
We're takin' you to a home,
But we will sing a song about you.
And we will make sure that you're very well taken care of.
You'll tell us secrets that you've learned. Raow!
Your sauce will mix with ours,
And we'll make a good goulash baby.
Dio, time to go!
You must give your cape and scepter to me.
And a smaller one for KG.
Go! Go! Dio! Dio!
sar - you are old :-)
raider - i like the whole album. some of my favs are 'rock your socks', 'double team' and 'tribute'
If I admit to familiarity with Dio (and Rainbow), doesn't that make me seem old too?
This is going to be the greatest movie of all time.
I'm sure you already have it, Strider - but if not, you should immediately purchase the Tenacious D DVD - the Complete Masterworks. It has all the HBO episodes and a few extras courtesy Liam Lynch.
(Creaky old man voice) Iiiii Looooove Tennnnacious D
Jack Black's my role model.
i do have the dvd and it rules!
just like everything they do.
Oh, man, I can't wait. TD is the shit. That's still a cool saying, right? Especially considering the cleveland steam...nevermind.
i have been doing cock push-ups and deep-knee rock squats all day today.
I am Wonderboy!
OK.. I had no idea who this "D" person was.
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