since the release of the "downing street memo" I have seen very little press on it.
is it apathy?
are we morons?
have we truly bought into the idea that bush can do no wrong?
do Americans even know the memo exists?
have we given up?
please pass this along to your friends and family and raise awareness about it.
they want this to just fade away...we won't let them dictate what is important.
and if over 1,600 U.S. servicemen and servicewomen killed in Iraq, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and over $200 billion in taxpayer funds going to this war effort isn't important, then don't know what is.
tell them what they did was wrong and they WILL be held accountable for it.
Nedhead - you mean sorry for the bad. It's not news and it's certainly not good.
Americans don't care because the Republicans have worked up so many people into a lather about distrusting anyone who says anything that requires questioning America and what it's doing.
In the early 20th century, there were 17 Socialist newspapers in Oklahoma alone. Socialism was very popular among farmers and working class people, not just the well educated.
Now, people have been trained to tune out anyone wo speaks differently than them or has a different opinion.
The British memo proves that the lead up to the Iraq war was all posturing. But nothing will come of it in America. Hell, if someone in the press asks Bush a question he doesn't like, that reporter is forever banned from covering the white house. It's basically blackmail: your silence or your career.
every bit of what you said is true jack...but even though that is all true I will be a pain in their ass every step of the way...
that's what makes this country great. you can be a pain in the ass anytime you like. ;-)
so F them. i proudly am a pain in the ass. (many will attest to that!)
(nice blog by the way jack)
Yeah, Strider can be quite the hemmoroid. (BTW, Strider, I blogrolled Jack's site)
I think Americans are just too numbed by everything. Everything sucks about the economy, Iraq, etc. and too many people are interested in lightweight "news" about runaway brides and Michael Jackson. Who wants to think about something weighty like "is our president a thug who needs to be impeached?"
You might like this blog (if you haven't been by before) http://ftssoldier.blogspot.com/
John Conyers has a petition going regarding this memo. The MSM is in the dark, but at least a couple of reps in DC are rumbling. You can sign it here:
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