Hubby & I spent the weekend celebrating our 11th anniversary (a week early) at a beautiful Bed & Breakfast. We had the privilege of meeting the chef and owner of Pomme and enjoying his fantastic French cuisine (recently featured in Style Weekly).
We also spent a great deal of time learning about and touring the mansion and beautiful gardens of Montpelier, the home of James Madison our 4th President. Though sadly a slave master and one who should have fought for emancipation, James Madison did pioneer the Separation of Church & State, Bill of Rights, and is considered the "Father of The Constitution".
While in the Education Center of Montpelier, we discovered a bulletin board dedicated to input from tourists for proposed constitutional amendments. There were many and varying submissions. For example, some supported the abolishment of the electoral college and some were in favor of gay marriage while others opposed it. I added a few about addressing the growing danger of religious influence in political decisions and the need to be inclusive of gay rights in support of everyone being created equal.
What constitutional amendment would you suggest?
Nedhead - that's a damn fine suggestion!
All - don't worry about whether your comment warrants a constitutional amendment. Instead, like the original board, your comments are a chance for you to express your views and get people thinking.
So get those creative juices flowing, and let's hear what you think.
Awwww...thanks PatCam! :)
Amendment XXVIII: See amendment I, YOU SORRY BASTARDS!!!
Amendment XXIX: Congrefs shall make no law limiting teaching in schools, healthcare in hofpitals or work in the workplace.
Amendment XXX: Anyone who comes to this country by any means and holds a job for two years gets a greencard. Anyone who has a greencard for three years and is not convicted of a crime in that time gets to be a citizen.
Amendment XXXI: Sar and her husband's anniversary shall henceforth and forthwith be declared a national holiday. The congrefs, President and Supreme court shall wish them a happy anniversary as do I.
Oh, and
Amendment XXXII: Cut the shit and get back to work. Nuclear option, my ass.
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