just want to update you on a few movie projects in the pipeline. some good...some bad.
Indiana Jones 4 - yes it IS happening. yes the script has been approved by lucas and spielberg. yes harrison ford is getting old. yes it will kick ass. do we have ANY idea when it will be out? no.
adventures in babysitting will get a remake (just like every other mediocre movie) and will come out in late 2005 or early 2006. get the oscars ready.
rambo is back! ugggg. wont this ever die? the plot? get ready for this...rambo's family will be kidnapped by white supremacists which prompts the muscle-bound war hero to begin a worldwide search for his loved ones. um...ok.
in more stalone news (as if you really wanted it)
Sylvester Stallone has written a biopic about the writer edgar allen poe and will also direct it. at least he didn't decide to star as a super pumped up version of poe. that role (stallone hopes) will go to robert downey jr. seems appropriate to have a drugged out actor play a drugged out writer.
the ring 3 - please make them stop.
watch a cool trailer for charlie and the chocolate factory here
Quentin Tarantino will try to save eddie murphy from his string of kiddy comedy crap by casting him in inglorious Bastards Quentin's bloody war drama.
also in Quentin Tarantino news...he will be teaming up with sin city and spy kids director Robert Rodriguez for a grisly horror project called grind house. whenever you get these two together expect lots of blood and guts. should be fun.
(ps...none of these are jokes.)
i stand corrected.
That is a cool post. I had no idea I had to ignore so many movies coming soon. ;) The Indy and Quintin ones sound like a go though. Great job and keep us updated.
and this is just the cream of the crap (excluding tarentino, indiy and charlie stuff...that stuff i do want to see)
i should really post on some of the REALLY BIG crap coming out.
hahaha...i said 'crap coming out' hahaha
Oh man... That Adventures in Babysitting remake definitely has "Best Picture" written all over it. I only hope it can top the new movie version of The Honeymooners (starring Cedric the Entertainer.) I'm sure Jackie Gleason is doing backflips in his grave over that one.
But will we ever see another Henry Limpett?
I feel rather informed.
Ladies & Gentlemen....we've been complimented by the infamous Complimenting Commenter!
Thanks CC - you rock! :)
thefoodandgodguy, lobster messiah, & Shea -
Tee hee! Nice exercising your collective funny bones (go ahead, Strider, call me a dork, but you have to admit they made some funnies too).
Wow - I'm really gonna hear it from Strider now. See, I didn't realize I was still logged in as Strider when I posted the previous 2 comments and I have no idea how to delete a comment (anyone, help, how do you do this?).
(that's from the real strider)
-just wondering why my sister was logged in as me....hmmmmmm
identity theft! that's it!
i could delete them...but it seems funnier to leave this quote:
"go ahead, Strider, call me a dork"
and respond to it...
I should've just let everyone realize for themselves that it couldn't have been the real Strider posting those comments because there was a sudden & surprising use of proper formatting, punctuation, grammar & spelling!
And Strider, you should be very warry of the things I accomplished while I was logged in as you!
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