Thankfully not this one!
I'm trying Blogger's new image upload posting option, really easy to use, but it's a different look.
I'm not sure if I like it with the text on the right like this. It wraps around and under the picture. I'll try the other 2 layout options in my next posts. In the meantime, what say you about this option?
I think it's swell. I'll have to try it.
I think that Hello is still, sadly, the way to go.
You can't post more than one photo with it...but at least that photo's big and clear, and the text is where you want it.
Doug, just click on the picture icon in the posting tool bar and follow the prompts. Super easy. I just wish it would have given me the option to retain the original style we've come to use here.
Gabe, I've tried Hello, but I didn't really care for it. I've been using Image Shack.
...and no comments about the luxurious swimming pool photo I posted? Anyone?
Or, stop playing around, and get yourself a dot com. If you use Wordpress for publishing, and Startlogic for hosting, you get a huge amount of space and bandwidth for $90 a year. Or, you could always get one of the Navmonkey cheaper accounts for like $40 a year.
Still no comments about the dude chilling in the back of his pick up. Huh.
Maine - way over my head, which is probably why we went with the cookie cutter blogger template and QuietWater is amazingly unique.
Hey, we do need a banner for our site. I can't convert any credits to banners since we don't have one yet (again, over my head and originality is quentesential here). Maybe we should hold a contest and all vote on the winning entry and give props & traffic nods to the winner...
Okay, okay, I aspire to his sophistication and luxury! There, I said it! I hope you're happy!
And I'm pretty sure that tool wasn't on my screen yesterday. Or maybe it was in my chair.
Doug, I'll email the blogger directions link to you. In the meantime, I'd suggest looking before you sit, sounds like it could be painful otherwise.
Nedhead, I'd say that's cool and thanks, but methinks it may just be a quid pro quo back at me for pointing out to everyone how exceptionally large your human value was, eh hem.
Ev you sooooo rock!!! (what's the catch?)
I like the wraparound text. I didn't have good luck with that, with "Hello." So far, Blogger's new thing seems okay...
Shea - Strider and I like to add a graphic with our posts, because we think our readers appreciate the added entertainment value (and please do correct us if we're wrong here). So I'm thankful for the ease of Blogger's option, but we'll have to see which format works best.
That does not look like the swimming pool Dicky made for my and Blochalela's trailers because it doesnt have any Bud in it!!!!
Pansi - maybe there's a keg in the passenger seat?
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