What's with guys and their hang up with balding? Well, gentlemen, if you feel so afflicted, you could subject yourself to this laser contraption. Or, may I suggest you just shave your head. Really, this can be a very sexy look. Case in point, David Beckham. To the best of my knowledge, he's not even balding yet he chooses to shave his head and he's wicked hot. And though he's not on my personal list, you could also include Bruce Willis as another example.
Seriously, this contraption vs. a razor & a can of shaving cream...
Bald may be beautiful, but gray is the way to the rightness of whiteness.
Our hang up with balding? Maybe it represents aging to us. When body parts get worn out and fall off... we mourn the loss. 8^{
bald is fun...
i did it quite a few times just so i didnt have to deal with doing my hair.
Or you could grow a kickass half-mullet like Hulk Hogan.
I have 2 words for all of you bald naysayers...
ben kingsley.
now I don't go around judging dudes as hot or not but I do know a distinguished gentleman when I see one. he pulls off the bald thing no problem.
I've always insisted that I'll just shave my head if I start to go bald. And I really can't wait to go grey. I've got a few grey hairs, but nothing overtly noticable yet.
Christie - thanks & stop by again!
Jay - you should make posters of that quote and peddle them to barbers.
Shea - Um, I'm really hope you're generalizing and not actually missing body parts!
JJ - I could so picture you sporting that half mullet!
Nedhead - yeah, didn't really need to know about your expedited back hair growth.
Strider - you forgot to mention Ben Kingsley's "A Sexy Beast". And I'm surprised there's been no mention of Patrick Stewart.
Kid B - What do you expect? You're a kid afterall!
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