I am Easy Rider...how cool is that?!
go here and let me know what movie you are!
(thanks to Knoxville for the link.)
"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
I was http://similarminds.com/cgi-bin/movie.pl. Cool!
your movie isnt coming up for me shea. what were ya?
I was Mr. Smith Goes to Washington! Perfect choice.
I am Mr. Smith Goes To Washington...
True, there are better choices for me. I would like to be The Kids Are Alright.
I'm easy rider. I think its pretty accurate.
Answering the fewest questions, I'm Raiders of The Lost Ark. But answering the most questions, I'm Mr. Smith Goes To Washington.
Did most people answer the fewest, most, other?
I answered fewer, but now I am thinking I want to be The Addams Family. Or something by Tim Burton!
Apocalypse Now! Damn, what does that say about me?
i think thats pretty damn cool jj!
it is a great movie.
Great movie, yes. But super eerie. I hope I'm not super eerie.
Apocalypse Now
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