someone in the promotions department has a sense of humor.
"american idol tour: presented by POP-TARTS".
very appropriate.
nedhead...get your tickets here.
any other ideas of who should sponsor certain tours or bands?
like bon Jovi, poison and motley crue...sponsored by aqua net.
i enjoy your blog very much. i hopr that you dont mind that i put your link on my blog. if its a bother let me know
Shoes: Thanks for the nod. I checked out your site and it would seem that you, like Strider, have established a grammar & spelling-free zone on your blog. No matter though, you've got some entertaining posts! :)
Rolling Stones...sponsered by Geritol. (ouch!)
I think they should have entitled their upcoming tour "Rolling Stones - The 401k Tour."
Green Day, brought to you by Revlon Mascara.
Billy Joel, brought to you by Landmark Chardonnay.
Britney Spears, sponsored by All American Double Wide Mobile Homes.
Funny post. Is that for real? Do you quote Twain everyday?
By the way, have you noticed how often Cialis commercials come on CNN? News got you down?
Doug - thanks for the return surf! :)
(I'll defer to Strider address your comments about the post.)
yes this tour is for real doug.
as for Cialis i think i am missing the referance...but i did think that "like a rock" would be a good theme song but that is used by chevy how about "up all night, sleep all day" by slaughter.
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