this really makes my stomach hurt.
(this is for real...check out the site here.)
feel free to click the fish above and send some "constructive criticism" to them.
please post in the comments and let us know what you sent.
"A statesman gains little by the arbitrary exercise of ironclad authority upon all occasions that offer, for this wounds the just pride of his subordinates, and thus tends to undermine his strength. A little concession, now and then, where it can do no harm is the wiser policy." - MARK TWAIN
Very, very disturbing. I checked out the link, and you know what else bugs me? The perception that neocons/neochristians hold a monopoly on 9/11 support and support for our troops. Well, guess what, I'm a Christian, I had family in the towers on 9/11, and I have a cousin serving in Iraq....BUT YET I DO NOT BLINDLY SUPPORT BUSH!
I want a ribbon that says, "I support the troops...NOT BUSH". I want a banner that says "Remember 9/11...WHERE'S BIN LADEN?"
Hey, Sar. Your ribbon slogans reminds me of this website I came across recently. Check it out.
Holy Shit. I mean that literally. The site is Holy Shit.
At least they provide a "contact us" button for those who might enjoy giving them a few words >8^)
Here's a site I dig that might just offer the antidote: Ring of Fire. I love these so much I can't decide which one to get!
Nedhead - I love your funny quips.
JJ - thanks for the link. I am familiar with it...glad to hear you are too.
Shea - Nice link! I especially like the reality bites with the big fish eating the little fish.
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