Sound Destruction: RANT & ROLL

Thursday, April 21, 2005


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For quite awhile now, many of you have participated in political bantering threads with Strider & me. Well, yesterday, Strider & I took our political rantings on over to and had a kick-ass time. In this particular thread, we kicked around the politics of gun-related tragedies with a varied audience including Moxiegrrrl, Strider, myself, other liberals, a wacko conservative wannabe, and our favorite pen of the day, a conservative we dubbed "Scribe". Made for some really entertaining and enlightening banter!

Although it has gained newfound exposure from it's recent highlight on CNN, I was originally introduced to Moxie's site by her husband (Kid Bastard) who I've know for many years. He's a pretty cool guy, and he occasionally posts & comments on MoxieGrrrl too. Knowing Moxie personally as well, let me tell you, she is just as kick-ass & savvy as her Moxie persona. This liberal chick knows her shit. I don't know how she does it, but she manages to find & post multiple provocative stories while simultaneously hosting and participating in the ongoing threads of each. Oh, and by the way, she also works and is mom to a super-duper adorable 4 yr old. also has some pretty cool links. But do be forewarned, Moxie, true to her name, has no problem telling it like it is and embellishing in a manner that some might find offensive (though Strider & I think you're a fucking pansy if you do!).

So, in between visits here at Sound Destruction, come join Strider & I over at, get your political rock on, & let's rant & roll!


Blogger M. Martin said...

Moxxie kicks ass.

go there.


10:54 AM  
Blogger Sar said...

Nedhead - Caught you over at MoxieGrrrl! Always a pleasure bantering politics when you're involved. ;)

Maybe that bro of yours will pop over too & things will really get interesting.

4:21 PM  
Blogger MG said...

You guys rock :)

9:41 PM  

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