I, for one, have had it with the tired interruption of the whole Audrey storyline on 24. Stay out of Jack's way, and let him be the badass that he is, biotch!
JACK: (exasperated) Yes, what is it Audrey?
AUDREY: (trying to be cute, but really just being annoying) Um, hi Jack.
JACK: Audrey, I don't have time for this.
AUDREY: But, Jack....
JACK: Listen, I'm sorry to have to tell you this over the phone, Audrey, but I'm leaving you.
AUDREY: What, Jack? Why? Have you found someone else?
JACK: Yes, Audrey, I'm afraid I have.
AUDREY: Oh, really? Well, who is it?
JACK: I'm leaving you for my dream woman, SAR, you know the pampered woman with the outrageous shoe collection.
AUDREY: I see. What makes you think you'd be better off with her?
JACK: Because she's the perfect woman for me, I'm madly in love with her, and she's not an annoying rat like you!
Yeah! I thought Audrey was all kick ass when she and her dad were prisoners - she seemed tough, but not overly-tough. Now she's all weepy and meek. Dumbass.
audry need to go...NOW
...and lets lose the whole michele and tony love thing while we are at it!
more finger breaking....more shit blowing up....more Jack kicking ass...more Chloe acting socially inept.
oh yeah...and less Edgar. he is dumb and anoying.
and one last thing...what the hell happened to behrooz (sp?)
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