Sound Destruction: CLEAN UP

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


every now and then I need to clean-up my bookmark section so here are a few links for you to check out.


dead or alive dot com - is you favorite actor, actress, musician dead or alive. did you know fred astaire and judy garland both died on this date?

ride accidents dot com - read about all those freakish accidents you always hear about happening at amusement parks. like the one at disney a few weeks ago.

x ray george w bush - x ray george w bush

ad tunes dot com - ever hear a song in a commercial and not know who did it? rather then sitting in a cd store describing the commercial to some kid(and sounding like a moron while doing it) just go here and check it out.

What High School Stereotype Are You? - go here to find out

Molecular Expressions - this is where I prove I am a nerd. check out 'secret worlds: the universe within' that move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude, or see what 'burgers 'n fries' look like at a molecular level.

the literature network - want to get some reading done while at work? lots of classics like a brave new world, the wizard of oz, uncle tom's cabin or the picture of dorian gray. all for free!


Blogger Sar said...

Nedhead, I took that high school test too and it catorgized me as a "Blonde". Like I really do have blonde highlights in my honey brown, long curly hair, but am I like really a blonde? *asks while chewing gum and twirling hair on tilted head*

10:15 AM  

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